Chiropractic for a healthy strong spine.
Safe, effective, and drug free.
Chiropractic for your health
Need relief from pain?
Here at Breathe Holistic Health in Broadbeach, we use Chiropractic to change lives by truly listening to our patients. We aim to reduce pain and uncomfortable symptoms and inspire our patients to live a longer, happier life.
Meet our Chiropractor Dr Dan Tilley, the conditions he can help you manage with chiropractic and what to expect when you visit.
Dr Daniel Tilley
Dr Daniel Tilley
Dr Dan’s passion is to be able to offer care that take into account the whole mind, body and nervous system. This can draw upon a range of holistic health services available at our clinic and tailoring this to a unique care plan to address and support you and your health.
We offer Chiropractic techniques such as manual adjustments, CBP (Chiropractic Bio-Physics; systematic postural reshaping), myofascial release, Trigenics (active release), rehabilitation, exercise programs, nutrition advice and workshops on a wide range of topics.
Chiropractic to us is a way to change lives by really listening, reducing pain and symptoms then inspiring living a longer, happier life with better health.
How we can help
What is chiropractic and why choose us?
Chiropractic is a safe, natural and effective form of primary health care that assesses your nervous system (mind) and musculoskeletal system (body). Chiropractors complete a minimum of 5 years of tertiary education to be registered as a Chiropractor in Australia. The primary focus is to help you improve motion, strength and overall health, subsequently reducing your symptoms and/or pain. Dr Dan’s enthusiasm coupled with his scientifically and results driven focus, will help you gain a better understanding of some of the underlying causes of your condition. Dr Dan ensures that he can help with your case before proceeding with any treatment and works closely with our team in Broadbeach to help you achieve optimum results with holistic care.
Some common reasons people may seek advice or request Chiropractic care include:
Musculoskeletal injuries
Back pain
Pregnancy pains
Neck pain
Lower back pain
Disc injuries
Rib pain
Recurrent sports injuries

What can I expect when I visit?
The role of a Chiropractor is to thoroughly look into your presenting history, perform specific orthopaedic, neurological, bio-mechanical assessments and arrange other specialised tests if needed (X-ray referral, MRI, medical consult etc.) in order to offer you an accurate diagnosis and direct you with the appropriate health care management plan. An initial appointment starts with listening and understanding your concerns. A thorough assessment is conducted to determine your quality of motion, identify aches and pains, how your muscle strength and power is affected, as well as conducting a comprehensive posture assessment
What’s included in my appointment?
History consultation
Physical examination and spine assessment
Neurological assessment
X-rays referral (if required) and detailed X-ray analysis
Posture assessment
Complimentary report of findings at your follow up appointment
Sharp pain or
pinched nerve?
Most of the time the term ‘pinched nerve’ describes a sharp pain associated with locking or spazzing of the muscles.
There are instances where a nerve is genuinely ‘pinched’ such as cervical disc profusion and thoracic outlet syndrome. In each of these instances the nerve becomes entrapped by connective tissues, muscles and inflammation.
It is very important that a ‘pinched nerve’ is assessed and treated appropriately as if it is a genuinely compressed nerve, the longer the nerve is compromised the higher the chances of long term damage.
The cause will always determine what course of treatment is appropriate and necessary and it can vary from case to case.
Neck pain?
Neck pain is a common condition that affects people of all ages. It is the second biggest spinal problem aside from lower back pain. Sedentary lifestyles, increased hours at the computer and many hours driving adds to the increased incidence of neck pain. Forward head posture with rounded shoulders from phone and computer use is associated with higher risk of neck pain.
People experience neck pain differently and it can range from an acute episode (often when waking up in the morning) to a mild ache or a long term debilitating condition. Understanding the cause of your neck pain is the first step to safe effective management.
Neck Pain Symptoms
Common symptoms associated with neck pain can be the referral of pain into the shoulder, upper back and muscle tightness around the base of the skull.
Due to the complex nerve supply of the upper neck, face and head, in some cases there is also pain referral into the face and head area.
Tension headaches are often associated with neck pain, and may be described as headaches that are worse at the end of the day, mildly relieved when lying down and often begin at the base of the skull and refer over the top of the head.
Neck Pain Treatment
Chiropractic treatment of neck pain mostly consists of gentle and specific chiropractic treatments to restore the natural movement of neck joints with the aim of removing any nerve irritation, increasing function and achieving better muscle balance.
We have many techniques to help you get fast, effective relief and our chiropractors will always use the technique that is most appropriate and comfortable for you.
or Disc Problems?
The term Sciatica is not an accurate diagnosis but rather a medical word used to describe pain in the back of the leg travelling towards the toes. There are over 20 different reasons a person can develop sciatica, including inflamed joints of the spine, inflamed muscles in the hips, and so on. Most commonly the cause is back pain with sciatica yet there are many cases in which you can experience leg pain without back pain.
Chiropractors are skilled in finding which of these reasons are contributing to the “sciatica”. Sometimes there is more than one reason which can complicate things. This can lead to longer suffering.
Many people commonly think that all sciatica is caused by a bulging or prolapsed disc. While chiropractic has been shown to help disc issues, this is not the most common cause of sciatica and your chiropractor is well trained to determine the cause and appropriate plan of treatment.
Sciatica symptoms
Sciatica symptoms can vary in intensity and frequency depending on the cause and severity of the problem. Common sciatica symptoms are: numbness or weakness in legs and feet, the sensation of pins and needles in the feet, or shooting burning pain down the back of the leg of legs. These symptoms can be very uncomfortable to extremely painful and over the counter painkillers often provide very little relief.
Simple movements often aggravate this condition, and can make daily living a real struggle.
How do we treat Sciatica?
We recommend the first step is to have an initial consultation with our Chiropractor to further understand what is causing the ‘Sciatica’. Being well informed is the key to getting the best management for Sciatica. Chiropractic care may be provided to those we can help and is gentle and safe, often providing relief for painful sciatica symptoms.
Book Chiropractic appointment

How does Chiropractic work?
A chiropractor focuses primary on musculoskeletal disorders, using a form of natural treatment through treatment of the spine and body. The correct term for treatment is referred to as an “adjustment”, an adjustment helps your body move better, stay stronger and experience less pain. The method of restoration involves the use of precise direction and force to help return the spine to normalise its function. Each adjustment is tailored to each patient’s age, size and unique spinal condition. During the initial consult, a thorough examination will be conducted which establishes what is causing your discomfort and how to correct the cause. Once we have gathered that information, a care plan will be discussed based on your symptoms. The chiropractic adjustments will commence, aiming to help correct this malfunction and prevent any future immobilisations. Our highly trained professionals have undertaken a five-year university based degree on chiropractic care and management, in addition to observing chiropractors in practice who have had extensive experience helping patients in need hands on. We also care for patients with a wide range of injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system, involving the muscles, ligaments and joints. We use the safest mauvers to guarantee minimal discomfort of the spine, whilst ensuring we are making progress at achieving a successful result.
How long before I see results?
Depending on the findings during our initial consult, we provide you with a care plan to best address your concerns. Generally we recommend an initial 2-4 week program, which we find has provided patients with the fastest beneficial and positive outcome. During this program, we adjust certain areas of the spine to pinpoint the cause of the pain you are experiencing. We have found that some patients see results almost instantaneously and others see results over the course of the treatment schedule. Once we have pinpointed the area, we progress into focusing on that particular region and use the motion of the adjustment to normalise the position of the spine and restore the body into natural function and healing.
How much does it cost?
We have Hicaps facility onsite on the spot claiming and we accept Medicare referrals, which are bulk billed. Our initial consults is 95 dollars and subsequent consults are 52 dollars.
Is chiropractic painful?
Chiropractic is widely recognised as one of the safest drug-free therapies for spinal discomfort and complaints. Many patients report a sense of immediate relief or well-being after an adjustment, some may experience mild soreness the day after an adjustment, similar to exercise soreness. These symptoms are a normal form of the natural healing process of your spine. Our goal is to get you feeling mobile, strong and less pain.
Is Chiropractic safe for children?
Chiropractic adjustments are definitely safe for children. Children receive adjustments to repair the damage caused from the birth process, childhood traumas, or injuries from day-to-day activities. Chiropractic check-ups for children may be able to identify developmental problems at an earlier stage and help avoid any musculoskeletal complications in the future. The chiropractic adjusting procedure is altered to a child’s spine, ensuring they are being treated in the best and safest manner. We have found that children respond faster to adjustments than adults, which in turn means a shorter treatment schedule.
What other services do we offer?
We may blend chiropractic with three main natural based programs, each program contributes to your health and wellbeing. In addition to chiropractic, we offer three clinical based programs. The first program is referred to as Wellflo, which consists of chiropractic and clinical yoga. The second program we offer is Mindflo, which is psychology and chiropractic care, focusing primarily on chronic headaches and chronic pain Finally, we offer a service of a remedial massage program, which works in conjunction with chiropractic to primarily address function imbalances in muscles.
Do I have to have x-rays?
At our clinic, we recommend to take x-rays if they are required. Everyone is different and in some cases Spine X-rays will help us choose the best course of treatment. We find that these pictures are quite helpful in providing a structural record of the spine and locating fractures or other signs of trauma. We use these x-rays to conduct an analysis of the spine to find the main cause of the pain you are experiencing, whilst addressing any long-term spinal degeneration that is evident during the examination.
Medicare has provided us with a bulk billing service to ensure that there are no extra charges to have these x-rays taken. We only take the most necessary views and use only the most up to date equipment to ensure we have the most useful perspectives to provide you with the best form of care.