Couples Therapy
Couples Therapy
Experiencing emotional turmoil in your relationship?
Making the choice to go to couples therapy can feel like a huge step.
However if your relationship, partnership or marriage is in turmoil, you are most likely going through one of the most difficult times in your life.
It may feel impossible to get through this emotional pain without some help.
A couples therapist helps the couple to focus on their relationship, deal with the issues within the relationship and move forward with a sense of purpose and plans for future.
Couples Therapy
Considering Couples Therapy? You may notice benefits in all areas of your life
As mentioned earlier, being a member of a ‘couple’, or in a marriage or relationship, is most likely the most important thing in your life.
It seems fit to say that when you embark on the journey of couples therapy, you may see an improvement in all aspects of your life.
Consequently, from relationships with your ‘other half’ and your children, to your extended family and work colleagues, couples therapy can equip you with tools that help you better manage all relationships in your life.
Marriage Counselling
Marriage Counselling
Marriage Counselling
After years of marriage, husbands and wives may carry unresolved emotional wounds as a result of issues being swept under the carpet.
This can often sabotage the marriage thanks to distorted views projected over what can often be innocent situations.
Projection is a natural psychological defence mechanism that fights perceived threats against our wellbeing, and can come across as someone being highly strung and overreacting.
Unfortunately negative projections prevent us from enjoying the delight in a relationship.
Of course this is not only relevant to marriages; long term relationships or even new relationships are also affected, when a previous ‘hurt’ carries over to the next partner.
Seeking to be part of a happier relationship, couple, or marriage?
If you’re ready and willing to take the first step towards a happier relationship, we would love to help.
Relationship or couples counselling can help you rebuild and refresh your relationships with clear lenses, improving self-esteem, confidence and trust in relating to the outside world.
Whilst many couples have a support network to lean on in moments of difficulties, seeing a skilled couples therapist can often effectively address the underlying causes of relationship issues.
With professional knowledge and training as a psychologist, our couples therapist is able to assist each member of the relationship as an individual as well as treat both together as a couple.
The goal is to transform mindsets and create profound change, allowing those in the relationship to break through their own projections, wounds and repeated patterns. As a result, these unhelpful patterns can be replaced with positive, life-changing interactions.